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Learn more about Living Word Bible Fellowship and our history
Our Mission
To be a gospel-centered, disciple-making, multiethnic church for the world.
Our Vision
To be the city on the hill where we model the Christian way!
Matthew 5:14
Our Core Values
Faith - We are driven by faith in God through the life, death, burial, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
People - We put people first before ourselves and make them a priority through all of our actions.
Service - We understand our first obligation is to willingly serve regardless of our position or title.
Stewardship - we manage our time, talent, and finances wisely.
Discipleship - We are intentional about practicing discipleship and making disciples of the world!
Our History
The Genesis
In the beginning…
a strong desire to know more about what God said in His Word brought a group of believers together in September, 1986, for the purpose of an intensified study of the Bible. These Bible studies were designed to strengthen the commitment toward leading a Christian life. Weekly study sessions were held at 50 Cooper Street, Woodbury, New Jersey, in medical office of Dr. William J. King.
As God would have it, word began to spread about the study group. In February, 1988, another group of believers, with the same thirst for the Word, asked and were given permission to hold their Bible study session at Dr. King’s office. In or around the Spring of 1988, the two groups, realizing that each had the same purpose and zest for knowledge of the Lord, melded together.
With fervent prayer and a commitment to God’s leading and to His calling, the group was lead to move from their Saturday evening Bible study classes to a Sunday morning worship service. Hence, the Fellowship came into being, with Dr. William J. King as the Pastor and Teacher. The primary goals of the group were: one, to organize legally with an official church name, formulate a consultation, register with the State of New Jersey as a non-profit Christian organization; and two, to find a place for Sunday morning worship.
The search for a place to worship led one of the Decans to the Pastor of the Almonesson United Methodist Church to inquire about a building that was their previous place of worship. The building was not available, but God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, directed the thoughts of both men. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the concept of the two congregations sharing the edifice of the Almonesson United Methodist Church, was born. By an affirmative vote of the leadership of the Almonesson United Methodist Church, the members of the newly created Living Word Bible Fellowship were welcomed in with love and kindness.
On Sunday, April 9, 1989, the Living Word Bible Fellowship held its first worship service. For more than three years, the Lord blessed the relationship between the congregations and a kinship of brotherly love and respect developed and continues to exist between them. While worshipping at Almonesson United Methodist Church, the Fellowship’s leaders and members continued to search for a place of worship and were ever mindful of the Scripture: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) (KJV)
In June, 1992, the Lord, through the efforts of one of the members, led the Fellowship to 133 West Church Street, Blackwood, New Jersey. After much prayer and consideration, the Fellowship was led to purchase the building and made settlement on January 11, 1993. The first service of the Living Word Bible Fellowship was held at its newly acquired place of worship on January 17, 1993.
His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. (Psalms 72:17-19) (KJV)
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